Monday, March 9, 2009

Precision Coaching Service...

During this recession everyone is tightening their belts and focusing on the essentials. Unfortunately, one of the things deemed “unessential” is self-care. Ironically, this is a time when we really need to be taking care of ourselves. We need to marshal all of our resources to get through this downturn.

With this in mind I am offering 1 hour “Precision Coaching” sessions for a limited time. The purpose is to get “down and dirty” about one topic/issue that is keeping you up at night.

As a Coach I am highly skilled at helping people cope and work with change. Here are a few examples of Precision Coaching topics I have worked on with clients:

• I used to really have fun at my job. But the recession has really brought everyone down. How can I start enjoying my job again?
• I believe there are opportunities in this down turn. What are ways I can get past my fears and see the possibilities?
• The recession has forced my spouse and I to work together with our finances. It was hard, but we did it. What are other ways we can build on this experience?
• I was totally unprepared for the downturn. If I had to do it all over again, I would do things very differently. How can I make these changes stick?
• I want to re-assure my kids about the economy, but at the same time I want them to learn from this experience. What is important for them to know?
• Eventually this recession will end. What can I do to prepare for the upturn?

Here is how it works:
• Fill out a Precision Coaching form prior to the session and return it to me and set up an appointment. The fee is $65.
• We will coach for 1 hour on 1 topic.
• The focus is on clarity, brainstorming, setting goals, action and accountability. You will end the call with a defined course of action to move forward on your topic.
• A fifteen minute accountability follow up session is available, if needed.

The economic changes we are going through have created tremendous fear, both real and imagined. A major side effect of fear is that it robs us of our ability to act. (Here is a link to an interesting article from the NY Times about fear: "In Hard Times, Fear Can Impair Decision-Making")

What we need right now is action, not paralysis. Are you ready to get out of the bunker and into the fresh air?

Feel free to contact me with questions or to schedule your Precision Coaching hour.



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