Friday, August 29, 2008

Big picture...little town

I just finished watching Barak's acceptance speech on YouTube. I must admit I was impressed but reluctant to hope. In coaching we work a lot with fulfillment and help people identify and live into their dreams and what they really want. I want our country to live into and realize it's potential so bad I could spit. I am so sick of Bush and his negative crap, that I fear I have been fully infected by the politics of despair. Just as I was writing this, my oldest friend called and we were reminiscing about going to see Bill Clinton give a speech in Albuquerque when he was running for his first term. It was the first time I had any reason to go here a Presidential candidate speak. We both were so hopeful and impressed. But were both disappointed as time passed and he became yet another politician working the machine (or being worked by the machine). I still think he was a great president and is doing great work now. It was just sobering to watch him settle, compromise and waffle. I will just do what I can in my life to make a difference and seek out different opinions, be curious and not judgmental.

So much of what he said resounded with me. Some of it is reflected in the community I have chosen to call home. There is a sense of watching out for each other, in spite of our differences, that he touched on. It's doesn't mean we are best friends or hang out, but we wave, nod and acknowledge each other. Truth be told, we also make fun of each other, shake our heads in disbelief at each others attitudes and choices. Still, we want our town to keeps it's character and wouldn't think of turning our backs on others in need.

As an example, when I first moved here, there was a big fire outside of town. Some structures burned, but no one was hurt. Everyone showed up with flat beds, horse trailers, pick ups, etc to help move treasured belongings out of threatened homes. Didn't matter if you were a hippie, redneck, coal miner or rancher. People set aside their differences to help out. Common good/sense prevailed. It didn't matter that those needed help were a hippie elk farmer, a Realtor or retired investor.

As I am writing, the neighbors (who live in a trailer...) are fighting it certainly isn't paradise, but at least it's real. Think I'll head down to Revolution Brewing...


Smyth Boone said...

Hi Chip,

I am glad that you are part of this cool, funky, but very real small town.
Smyth Boone

Please check out my new blog at

Chip said...

Thanks for checking out my blog Smyth. We are both pretty lucky to live were we do. See ya 'round town.-Chip