Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's Good To Be A Coach...

We all have days that make us feel good about what we do, but how many of us take the time to be with it? It is a new skill for me and it has taken some getting used to. Maybe it is like single malt scotch or really hot Mexican food. Kind of strong, uncomfortable...awright, down right painful, best if applied in small doses.

One of the exercises in coaching training is to have everyone in the room, folks you have known for about 2 days, tell you what they like and admire about you. "Help me baby jebus!" I was about to crawl out of my skin just watching other people be acknowledged. When my turn came 'round I about wet my pants...and it turned out to be a great experience. If other people could see these things in me, maybe I could too. But it got me thinking: I would have been more comfortable being criticized than acknowledged. What is up with that? That is just sick! I polled my fellow trainees and I wasn't the only one who felt this way...

Start you own mutual admiration society, membership isn't free, but it is well worth the cost.

So here goes...

Today I finished coaching with a client and we had a great closing session. I was really proud of the way we worked together to get her past some tough stuff, shared some epiphanies and came up with a plan that got her moving toward some real, sustainable change. She is an awesome, powerful person and I know our community and the world is a better place with her in it, authentically making a difference and living large. It was truly a privilege to work with her.

My big brother emailed me and told me he was proud of me. That was huge. I don't think there is a little brother alive who doesn't want to hear that from his big brother.

I found my "zone" coaching a fellow coach and was courageously honest and direct. I asked some questions that I had been wanting to ask and she really appreciated it. I challenged her and she rose to the occasion. It was really cool. This was on the heels of being challenged by one of my coaches yesterday. Who ever thought a good butt kickin' could be such a gift?

I met a challenge by my coach, asking me to email 5 people to host informal, coaching evenings. What'ya know... I am still alive. Actually, it was easier than I thought and the friends I have heard from are more than happy to host. Amazing what happens when you ask for what you want.

My willingness to "step up to the plate" comes and goes, but each time I do, it gets more comfortable. Think I like spending time sitting on the bench. Who cares if I strike out. I am always at the top of the order

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